1. The basics
  2. Full Example
  3. Combining Specs
  4. Running A Subset of the Specs
  5. QuickCheck
  6. Parallel spec execution
  7. Using hooks

The basics

The basic building block of spec writing is it, which creates a spec with a spec body. Spec bodies have the type Aff Unit, which is similar to the Effect type, but with the addition of asynchronicity. When specs are run, they are considered successful, or passing, if the Aff computation does not result in an error. For more information, see purescript-aff.

In the following example we use pure unit as a body, which does nothing. It will not throw an error, and the spec will always pass.

it "does nothing" $ pure unit

A more interesting test would assert something. Let’s check that addition works!

it "adds 1 and 1" do
  (1 + 1) `shouldEqual` 2

The shouldEqual function, here used as an infix operator, takes two values and checks if they are equal. If not, it throws an error in the Aff monad, causing the spec to fail.

Specs can also be pending, which means that they are not testing anything yet - they are like placeholders. We use pending to write a pending spec.

pending "calculates the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything"

Pending specs can also contain a spec body, just like with it. The difference is that the body will be ignored. Pending spec bodies are used to give a hint what the spec should assert in the future. Use pending' (note the ' at the end) to create a pending spec with a body.

pending' "calculates the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything" do
  answerTo theUltimateQuestion `shouldBe` 42

To group multiple specs in a logically related group of specs, we use describe. This creates a new spec which represents the named group.

describe "MyModule" do
  it "..." do
  it "..." do
  it "..." do

Spec groups can be nested in multiple levels, creating a hierarchy of named groups.

describe "MyModule" $
  describe "SubModule" $
    describe "Database" do
      it "..." do
      it "..." do
      it "..." do

Full Example

Let’s look at an example of a complete spec program, with the needed imports and a proper main function. The specs shown in the header image looks like this:

module Main where

import Prelude

import Data.Time.Duration (Milliseconds(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_, delay)
import Test.Spec (pending, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
import Test.Spec.Reporter.Console (consoleReporter)
import Test.Spec.Runner (runSpec)

main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ $ runSpec [consoleReporter] do
  describe "purescript-spec" do
    describe "Attributes" do
      it "awesome" do
        let isAwesome = true
        isAwesome `shouldEqual` true
      pending "feature complete"
    describe "Features" do
      it "runs in NodeJS" $ pure unit
      it "runs in the browser" $ pure unit
      it "supports streaming reporters" $ pure unit
      it "supports async specs" do
        res <- delay (Milliseconds 100.0) $> "Alligator"
        res `shouldEqual` "Alligator"
      it "is PureScript 0.15.x compatible" $ pure unit

Combining Specs

You can split specs into multiple files and combine them using regular monadic bind, e.g. with do expressions.

baseSpecs = do

This is often used to combine all specs into a single spec that can be passed to the test runner, if not using purescript-spec-discovery.

Running A Subset of the Specs

Sometimes you do not wish to run all specs. It might be that you are working on a certain feature, and only want to see the results for the relevant tests. It can also be that some spec takes a lot of time, and you wish to exclude it temporarily. By using itOnly instead of the regular it, the test runner includes only that spec.

describe "My API" do
  itOnly "does feature X" ... -- only this spec will run
  it "does things that takes a lot of time"

Similar to itOnly, describeOnly makes the runner include only that group.

describe "Module" do
  describeOnly "Sub Module A" -- only this group will run
    it "does feature X" ...
  describe "Sub Module B"
    it "does feature Y" ...

There is also focus which can be used to select some specific group for execution

describe "Module" do
  describe "Sub Module A"
    it "does feature X" ...
  focus $ describe "Sub Module B" do -- all tests passed to focus will be executed
    it "does feature Y" ...
    it "does feature Z" ...
    describe "Sub Module C" do
      it "does feature P" ...


You can use QuickCheck together with the purescript-spec-quickcheck adapter to get nice output formatting for QuickCheck tests.

Parallel spec execution

You can use parallel to mark specs for parallel execution. This is useful if you want to speed up your tests by not waiting for some async action to resolve. so if you have:

describe "delay" do
  it "proc 1" do
    delay $ Milliseconds 500.0
  it "proc 2" do
    delay $ Milliseconds 500.0
  it "proc 3" do
    delay $ Milliseconds 1000.0

It would take 2000 ms to finish. But, by sticking in parallel, it would take 1000 ms:

- describe "delay" do
+ describe "delay" $ parallel do

NOTE that if you are logging things to console, by using parallel order of log messages is less deterministic. For example if you had:

describe "delay" do
  it "proc 1" do
    log $ "start 1"
    delay $ Milliseconds 500.0
    log $ "end 1"
  it "proc 2" do
    log $ "start 2"
    delay $ Milliseconds 500.0
    log $ "end 2"
  it "proc 3" do
    log $ "start 3"
    delay $ Milliseconds 1000.0
    log $ "end 3"

you would see messages in this order:

start 1
end 1
start 2
end 2
start 3
end 3

but if you have used parallel then messages will come in this order:

start 1
start 2
start 3
end 1
end 2
end 3

purescript-spec itself is not providing any specific solution for this issue but you can take a look at /test/Test/Spec/HoistSpec.purs for some inspiration.

Using hooks

before_ runs a custom action before every spec item. For example, if you have an action flushDb which flushes your database, you can run it before every spec item with:

main :: Spec Unit
main = before_ flushDb do
  describe "/api/users/count" do
    it "returns the number of users" do
      post "/api/users/create" "name=Jay"
      get "/api/users/count" `shouldReturn` 1

    describe "when there are no users" do
      it "returns 0" do
        get "/api/users/count" `shouldReturn` 0

Similarly, after_ runs a custom action after every spec item:

main :: Spec Unit
main = after_ truncateDatabase do
  describe "createUser" do
    it "creates a new user" do
      let eva = User (UserId 1) (Name "Eva")
      createUser eva
      getUser (UserId 1) `shouldReturn` eva

  describe "countUsers" do
    it "counts all registered users" do
      countUsers `shouldReturn` 0

around_ is passed an action for each spec item so that it can perform whatever setup and teardown is necessary.

serveStubbedApi :: String -> Int -> Aff Server
stopServer :: Server -> Aff Unit

withStubbedApi :: Aff Unit -> Aff Unit
withStubbedApi action =
  bracket (serveStubbedApi "localhost" 80)
          (const action)

main :: Spec Unit
main = around_ withStubbedApi do
  describe "api client" do
    it "should authenticate" do
      c <- newClient (Just ("user", "pass"))
      get c "/api/auth" `shouldReturn` status200

    it "should allow anonymous access" do
      c <- newClient Nothing
      get c "/api/dogs" `shouldReturn` status200

Hooks support passing values to spec items (for example, if you wanted to open a database connection before each item and pass the connection in). This can be done with before, around and after. Here’s an example for how to use around:

openConnection :: Aff Connection
openConnection = ...

closeConnection :: Connection -> Aff Unit
closeConnection = ...

withDatabaseConnection :: (Connection -> Aff Unit) -> Aff Unit
withDatabaseConnection = bracket openConnection closeConnection

spec :: Spec Unit
spec = do
  around withDatabaseConnection do
    describe "createRecipe" do
      it "creates a new recipe" $ \c -> do
        let ingredients = [Eggs, Butter, Flour, Sugar]
        createRecipe c (Recipe "Cake" ingredients)
        getRecipe c "Cake" `shouldReturn` ingredients

Hooks support nesting too:

spec :: Spec Unit
spec = do
  before (pure 1) $ after (\a -> a `shouldEqual` 1) do
    it "before & after usage" \num -> do
      num `shouldEqual` 1
    beforeWith (\num -> num `shouldEqual` 1 *> pure true) do
      it "beforeWith usage" \bool -> do
        bool `shouldEqual` true
      aroundWith (\computation bool -> bool `shouldEqual` true *> pure "fiz" >>= computation <* pure unit) do
        it "aroundWith usage" \str -> do
          str `shouldEqual` "fiz"
    beforeWith (\num -> num `shouldEqual` 1 *> pure (show num)) do
      it "beforeWith" \str -> do
        str `shouldEqual` "1"